JRF Call for Proposals: How much does money matter – a review

The Joseph Rowntree Foundation have issued a Call for Proposals under their poverty theme:

Theme: Poverty
Programme: How much does money matter?
Title: How much does money matter – a review.
The impact of money on other outcomes is contested and increasingly of political debate. Despite the importance of the issue, there remains no firm understanding of how much money really matters. The aim of this review is therefore to assess what the existing evidence base can tell us about the impact of income on different outcomes of interest and to provide a foundation for future analysis of the issue

Up to £30k is available for a nine month project starting in April 2012.

Expressions of Interest are required by the 17th February, with the deadline for full proposals as the 15th March. 

For full details of the call and application procedure please refer to the call document.