Wikipedia Courses for AHRC Award-Holders

The AHRC is supporting a programme for a Wikipedian in Residence at the British Library in 2012. As part of this program, we are organising a series of workshops for AHRC fund-holders, aiming to provide training and support to specialists who are interested in contributing to Wikipedia or other Wikimedia projects, or learning more about engaging and collaborating with the Wikimedia community.

Workshops will take place on:

  • Friday 3rd September from 1pm to 5pm
  • Friday 12th October from 1pm to 5pm

These workshops will be hosted in the British Library conference centre, at St. Pancras in London.

The workshop will involve a short general introduction to the projects and a discussion of how they are created and developed, followed by a more in-depth practical session involving learning the basics of editing and engaging with other contributors. Please bring a laptop; there is wireless internet access, but computers are not provided.

Places are limited, so please book your place soon to avoid disappointment by completing this short form: