I blogged at the end of last month about the ESRC’s new Future Research Leaders scheme.
Prof. Hugh Bochel and I will be running a development workshop this month for potential applicants to this scheme. It takes place on 21st July 2011 in MB1013 on the Brayford campus from 1pm – 5pm.
We’re asking all those who want to take part to complete a detailed outline form which is based closely on the actual application form itself. Much of the afternoon will be devoted to discussion and constructive feedback on these outline bids. I will also present a short overview of the scheme including eligibility requirements, and explain the differences from the ESRC First Grants scheme. Prof. Bochel will discuss what makes a strong application and give some insight into the ESRC peer review process.
If you are a member of staff at the University of Lincoln and are interested in attending this workshop, please email us as soon as possible and we will send you an outline application form to complete, as well as further details about the event. Please ensure you check the eligibility requirements for this in the Call Specification before you contact us to ensure you are eligible to apply. Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions about this or about the workshop itself.
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