Forthcoming British Academy Grant Deadlines

The British Academy, which supports research in the humanities and social sciences, has recently announced a number of forthcoming deadlines for their funding schemes:

Small Research Grants: Grants are offered of up to £7,500 for collaborative or individual projects to facilitate initial project planning and development, to support the direct costs of research, and to enable the advancement of research through workshops or by visits by or to partner scholars. Deadline: 10th November 2010.

Overseas Conference Grants: Grants are available for the travel expenses of a scholar delivering a paper at a conference abroad. Deadline: 3rd November 2010.

British Academy/Leverhulme Senior Research Fellowships/Thank Offering to Britain Fellowships: The purpose of these awards, funded by the Leverhulme Trust and the Thank-Offering to Britain Fund respectively, and administered by the British Academy, is to provide a period of research leave for one year for established scholars during which they will be able to concentrate on bringing a major piece of research towards completion while their normal teaching and administrative duties are covered by a full-time replacement. Deadline: 17th November 2010.

Conference Support Grants: Grants normally not exceeding £7,500 (but in exceptional circumstances up to £20,000) to promote the dissemination of advanced research. Conference convenors may apply for financial assistance, e.g. to bring key speakers to the UK, or for a wider range of expenses. Deadline: 17th November 2010.

Applications should be made online via the British Academy’s e-GAP system:

Please contact us if you need any support with your application.