RIA – RS International Exchange Cost Share Programme

The Royal Irish Academy – Royal Society International Exchange Cost Share Programme is designed to enable international collaboration by providing the marginal costs of research i.e. travel, subsistence and research expenses. The collaboration should be based on a single project including two teams or individuals: one based in Ireland, and the other in the UK. A relationship between both parties should already be established prior to making an application. The collaboration should involve bilateral visits between Ireland and the UK. The RIA – RS International Exchange Cost Share Programme grant provides a maximum of €7,500 per team per year and should be seen as seed money that will lead to further collaboration and greater funding in the future.

UK applications should be made online via the Electronic-Grants Processing Application (e-GAP) and Irish applicants should apply using the application form that can be accessed here.

Both the UK & Irish teams must make an application to their respective funding bodies.

The closing date for the applications is Thursday 18th October 2012

Click here to apply online

Click here to read notes for applicants