2014 competition: the application guidelines are available now. HFSP postdoctoral fellowships encourage early career scientists to broaden their research skills by moving into new areas of study while working in a new country. The next submission deadline is 29 August 2013. HFSP fellowships are for three…
RAEng Enterprise Fellowships – Call for Applications Announced
The Royal Academy of Engineering’s Enterprise Fellowship scheme is now open for applications. Enterprise Fellowships provide funding and support to entrepreneurial engineering researchers, working at a UK University, to enable them to develop the commercial potential of their research. The…
Changes to responsive peer review mode for NERC
NERC has announced a number of changes to its peer review process which aim to ‘strengthen and streamline’ the assessment of responsive mode grants. The changes, which have been made in response to community feedback in order to increase confidence…
Monthly Bid Writing Surgery with Martin Pickard
Do you need expert advice on a research proposal? The next bid writing surgery will be held on Thursday 14 February. Dr. Martin Pickard (Grantcraft) is an external consultant employed by the University of Lincoln with over 25 years’ experience in…
Independent Social Research Foundation Early Career Research Fellowship
The Independent Social Research Foundation (ISRF) wishes to support independent-minded researchers to do interdisciplinary work which is unlikely to be funded by existing funding bodies. It is interested in original research ideas which take new approaches, and suggest new solutions,…
Rome research awards
The British Academy’s British School at Rome invites applications for its Rome research awards. These awards support research on the archaeology, art history, history, society and culture of Italy, from prehistory to the modern period. The following awards are available:…