The study of economics and cancer research would be particularly vulnerable to Brexit, as they are among the research fields in the UK more dependent on EU funding, a report has said. Examining Implications of Brexit for the UK’s Research…
EU Proposals on the Rise
A statement from the European Commission has confirmed that in the first half of the year they received applications that totaled nine times the amount of funding available under the Horizon 2020 calls. “The response to the first Horizon 2020 calls…
Research Priorities of the Italian Presidency of the EU
As some of you may already be aware the Italian Presidency of the Council of the EU commenced on 1 July, and as is custom will run for six months until the end of December 2014. The Presidency have already…
Horizon 2020 – Excellent Science – ERC Grants
ERC funding schemes are open to excellent researchers of any nationality who wish to carry out their frontier research in the EU Member States or associated countries. Background The European Research Council’s grant programme consists of actions under Part I…
Horizon 2020: Update on Numbers of Proposals Submitted per Topic
If you have submitted an application to Horizon 2020 and are waiting to hear back, you may be interested to know how many applications were submitted to the same call. The EU has started to publish the number of proposals submitted…