Japan Information Day 2018 | Education & Research Opportunities

Japan Information Day 24th May (1)

We would like to invite you to join the Japan Information Day 2018 at the Japan Embassy on Thursday 24th May, 2018 from 13:00 to 16:30. This event provides information for research and support staff about teaching, studying and research opportunities in or to work with Japan for post graduate level upwards.

Target audience:
Academic as well as professional staff from Japanese departments, international and career offices of UK universities.

*Please note this event is not for students
*Registration is essential and admission is free

For further information download the event flyer at the following link:

If you are interested to attend please RSVP by 11th May 2018 sending your name, job title, organisation name and e mail address to: ukjet@ld.mofa.go.jp

Please circulate information about this event to colleagues who may be interested to attend