MRC Issue Guidance on Common Rejection Reasons

The Medical Research Council has issued guidance to research administrators covering the top reasons why applications are returned to institutions for further editing. Although this is not strictly speaking a rejection – since the applications can be returned to the MRC within a specific timeframe – it does delay the assessment process significantly. MRC found that 12% of all applications submitted in 2008 were returned, often for one of the reasons listed below.

Although some of the points are specific to the MRC’s electronic submission system, the EAA, others are applicable more widely:

  1. Within section 16a you ask for ‘consumables’ or ‘other costs’ – these need to be more specific.
  2. Equipment costs of under £3K are put in section 18, these should be sought under section 16a.
  3. The case for support attached to the application is outside of the allowed limit specified.
  4. Extra Annexes have been added which are outside of those specified.
  5. The applicant is ineligible for the scheme (New Investigator Research Grants).
  6. Exceptions have been entered without prior agreement being sought or the form being attached with the application.
  7. There is no covering letter from the NHS attached to the application where they are contributing towards the research proposed.
  8. The number of hours claimed for applicants is zero – all time spent on the grant should be applied for even if no salary is requested ( please zero out the salary costs not the hours).
  9. Not enough detail is put in on Justification of Resources for reviewers to assess value for money.