Examples of National Importance Statements

As part of the EPSRC’s ongoing guidance on National Importance, the Council has worked with successful applicants to highlight good examples of National Importance statements which have now been made available on the EPSRC website. Paragraphs have been extracted from real proposals that have been through the EPSRC process. All of the proposals were successful and received supportive reviewer comments on the National importance criteria.

The EPSRC will continue to add more examples to this page as more proposals have been through the system.

There are several ways to articulate National Importance which can be seen in the examples below. There are a number of aspects of National Importance as described in our guidance e.g. social benefits, economic benefits or world leading science. As demonstrated by these case studies it is not always necessary to make a case against all of these.

The examples can be found here: National Importance Statements

Further information on National Importance when preparing your proposal can be found here: National Importance Guidance