Je-S System redesign – to be released on 20 April 2010

On 20th April a new version of Je-S will be released. The redesign will include changes to both the appearance and function for all types of Je-S documents. The changes to the Je-S site have largely been driven by a need to make the website more accessible. An external review of the website highlighted a number of issues that meant that it was very difficult if, for example, you use screen reading software or cannot use a mouse. The new site is designed to address this problem, making the Je-S site more accessible, easier to navigate and to provide users with more useful information for completing Je-S documents.

The most notable change from the previous appearance of the ‘Document Menu’ screen is that the ‘Submit’ option will only be displayed when all of the mandatory sections of the Je-S form have been completed

When the Je-S user is ready to submit the document to the next stage of the submission process, they select ‘Document Actions’ and then move their mouse to ‘Check Document Validity’ and select this option. If the document validation is successful, the option to submit will become available to the applicant/approver/submitter.

The Navigation options are available to select at the top and bottom of each section of the ‘Document Menu’. The ‘Document Menu’ also includes a number of icons displayed beside each sections to indicate whether sections have been completed, or still need to be completed, along with an ‘Instructions’ section which details generic information to assist the applicant.

This will allow you to see at a glance which sections of the form still need completing, and makes it easier to jump between sections for editing.